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The individualmodule for PnP if upgraded to 2.2 in non PowerShell 7 breaks in Adaxers. Previous versions of Powershell will not allow the 2.2 PnP version to connect which is causing errors. We have had to use PnP Module 1.12 to make this work but if it is deprecated by MS, then we will lose functionality.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Nick,

At the moment using PNP.PowerShell module version 1.12 is the only option. Later versions do not work in Adaxes as they require PowerShell 7 which is a separate application not built-in into Windows. We are investigating the possibility of allowing the use of PowerShell 7 in Adaxes which will resolve the issue with the module.

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