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Is there a way to set a users' UPN Suffix within a business rule (PS script)? I've seen the script to update the suffix based on OU, but our OU structure doesn't support this option.

I need to be able to change a users' UPN suffix to either match the domain portion of their primary email address, or to apply a particular UPN suffix based on department. Either method works.

by (50 points)


To help us better understand your needs, can you answer the following questions:

  1. Do you need to update the suffix for existing users, when creating new ones or both?
  2. Is the value of the Department property present in the UPN suffix? Can you give an example?
  3. How many UPN suffixes do you have, at least approximately?

Do you need to update the suffix for existing users, when creating new ones or both?

It is for new users, but they're not created by Adaxes. Our HR application creates (via boomi) a disabled 'shell' user account for a new hire. Our service desk then have a "provision user" option in the web console (modify user) they then set a few options/attributes and clear the disabled check box, which triggers a provisioning business rule on save.

At the moment we set primary email addresses via a really ugly set of logic in the business rule. It would be a lot tidier to generate a UPN in a script, then add primary email address as %userPrincipalName%

Is the value of the Department property present in the UPN suffix? Can you give an example?

it's not a direct 1:1 mapping for the Depts / UPNs. We have a number of 'agencies' (trading names), which have agency-based email addresses, and back-office roles like HR / IT / Finance use a number of group addresses. The 'department' value wouldn't always match (or even contain) the text value of the UPN suffix, so I think a mapping table would be needed (Powershell switch function or CSV maybe?)...

Dept / Suffix:
Group Board - @groupname.com
Group HR - @subsidiary.com
Group IT - @subsidiary.com
Agency1 - @agency1.com
Agency2 - @abc-global.com

How many UPN suffixes do you have, at least approximately?

There are around 25 UPN Suffixes / email domains, and 60 depts



This can be done using a PowerShell script. We'll update the topic as soon as it is ready.


Any updates to this?

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Steve,

Sorry for a delayed reply. See the script that will allow you to accomplish your task in our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... y-s449.htm. To assign correct UPN suffixes, you will need to create a Business Rule that runs the script after creating a user.


working great, thank you! :)

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