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Over the last month or so we have been experiencing removing / deactivating Microsoft licenses using Adaxes. Some background on how we do this at my organization is we disable an active directory account and through an automated process we apply a group on the account. I have an automated task setup that runs M-F end queries disabled users and if the expiration date is 6+ days old, deactivate the license. This has worked fine for a year or two now until recently.

Now if I run across a user who still has a license assigned, i'm receiving an error (see attached). The "Unable to assign license" makes me scratch my head a bit since you can tell from the activity that the task is configured to Deactivate the license.

Is there anywhere else logs are stored where I could go try to troubleshoot this issue? It's intermittent, and not occurring on all disabled users.

by (490 points)

Hello Ben,

Can you do the following for troubleshooting purposes:

  1. Enable tracing of commands sent to Office 365.
  2. Try deactivating an Office 365 account of a user and reproduce the issue.
  3. Send the trace log file to our support e-mail (support[at]adaxes.com).

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