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I apologize if this is answered somewhere already. I searched but I couldn't find an answer.

I'm setting up automated user account creation. I've set a number of fields, email as an example, to a default value of %firstname.%lastname@example.com. For some reason the first and last name are using my logged in name instead of the values typed into the First and Last name fields on the form for certain fields. Also, it puts the period at the end of my last name instead of in the middle of first name and last name. Oddly, certain fields, such UPN and SamID have the correct values. Am I missing something or trying to do this improperly?

Many thanks for any assistance.

by (150 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Each of the value references should be placed between two % signs. In your case, the default value for Email address should be %firstname%.%lastname%@example.com.


I apologize; that was a typo. I do have the % at the end as you indicated and it still provides the wrong data. The other fields with the same alias work fine but email, name and UPN are not working for some reason. Some fields populate fine while others seem to pull the logged in users information.



Value references in Home Page Actions resolve into corresponding property values of the logged on user, while in Property Patterns value references resolve into property values of the user that is being created. You need to clear the Predefined Fields section for the Home Page Action and modify User Pattern according to your requirements.

To clear the Predefined Fields section:

  1. Launch Adaxes Web Interface Customization Tool.
  2. Select the Interface type and click Configure Home Page Actions on the General tab.
  3. Double-click the Home Page Action and activate Form Customization tab.
  4. Select a property and click Delete. Repeat this step for all properties in the section.
  5. Click OK three times.

For information on how to modify User Pattern, check the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePrope ... ttern.html.

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