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Hi team,

I need to update users extensionAttribute6 after adding or removing them from a specific group.

This is my setup:

Group is updated based on rule set within Adaxes

Business rule image.png

PowerShell Script image.png

Logging image.png

I can see, the new user was added successfully to the group, however the business rule was not triggered. Running the PS script manually twice was only against another user, not the latest added one.

I noticed this article during my writing here ... https://www.adaxes.com/questions/13540/can-business-rules-be-triggered-rule-based-group-adding-user

Is there any possibility or plan how to achive this?

This group is used to sync only specific users via SCIM to an external application. Only users from specifc offices are within the scope. Therefor I created a rule based group (based on office and country) and would like to update users after they were added or removed from this group.


by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (296k points)
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There is currently no such possibility and no plans to add the feature.


Hi, also no workaround or idea how to achive this?



Unfortunately, there is no solution if you want to use a rule-based group. If you, for example, use a scheduled task instead, then the business rule will trigger.


That is a great pity :( Can you please add this as a feature request?

Idea - would this work?

  1. Keep current rule based group
  2. Run scheduled task and copy members to new group (maybe also remove)
  3. Run business rule on new group


Can you please add this as a feature request?

The behavior is by design and will not be changed. If you need business rules to trigger, just use a scheduled task. It will work the same way as rules, but you will need to probably use a script.

Idea - would this work?

It will not work as it is impossible to add/remove members from rule based groups in any way except for the automated approach based on the rules.


Hum ok,

I dont want to add or remove members from the rule based group

I want to run a script against any added or removed users from this rule base group.

So any new added user should get a specific extensionAttribute6 and any removed user should get this cleared.

I tried now this scheduled task image.png

And changed my business rule to the new temp group.

For now it seems to work, I have my group based on rules and criterias and my users attributes are updated correctly.

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