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Hi team,

we see sometimes the following behavior: Changing a user mailbox to shared, is just moving on-prem mailbox of this user to shared. Online mailbox seems not to be affected.

Can you elaborate how Adaxes is managing mailboxes in a hybrid environment?

The default task "Covert to shared or regular mailbox", will it check if the user object has only on-prem mailbox or also remote/online mailbox?

Do we need to wait some time after user object creation to allow sync from on-prem to AD? I am pretty sure we need to. How could we avoid errors, if a helpdesk user is not waiting enough time and change local mailbox instead of online?

Example: Helpdesk creates user account with mailbox. Directly action to convert to shared mailbox is executed. On-prem mailbox is now type shared. What will happen with online mailbox? Will Adaxes generate a remote mailbox at all?

by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)


The default task "Covert to shared or regular mailbox", will it check if the user object has only on-prem mailbox or also remote/online mailbox?

Yes, it will check the mailbox type and act accordingly.

Do we need to wait some time after user object creation to allow sync from on-prem to AD?

If you want to create a remote shared mailbox, you just need to use a script with method EnableRemoteMailboxEx2. This way the mailbox will be present in Exchange Online after the AAD Connect synchronization. At the same time, no waiting or conversion will be required.


Hi again,

Exchange traces show this command if I convert a mailbox into shared one

[10/20/2023 13:33:58] Set-RemoteMailbox -DomainController "xxx.zzz.xyz" -Identity xxx -Type "Shared"

Shouldn't it be only this Command to run Online against the Online Mailbox?


The other one will run against the on-prem mailbox.



The behavior is expected in case of on-premises Exchange and remote mailboxes.

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