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Hello team,

I created this custom command and action image.png

  1. The manager is not notified by email about a new approval, only visible in portal
  2. Once the Manager approves it, the whole action is approved How can I build a flow of two approvers? First manager, then owner of target group
by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


The manager is not notified by email about a new approval, only visible in portal

Are you sure that the manager of the requestor (the user who initiated the custom command execution) has an address specified in the Email property? Are other email notifications delivered properly?

Once the Manager approves it, the whole action is approved How can I build a flow of two approvers? First manager, then owner of target group

It can only be done using a separate business rule triggering Before adding a member to a group. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/RequestApprovalForAddingMembersToGroups. Finally, you should have something like the following the following: image.png


Are you sure that the manager of the requestor (the user who initiated the custom command execution) has an address specified in the Email property? Are other email notifications delivered properly?

Yes, but I saw an internal issue with our mail server ... none email from Adaxes were delivered (: Solved and now I get an approval notification mail

It can only be done using a separate business rule triggering Before adding a member to a group. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/RequestApprovalForAddingMembersToGroups. Finally, you should have something like the following the following:

Does this mean the actions are triggerd one by one and only if first was approved the second will be send out?



Does this mean the actions are triggerd one by one and only if first was approved the second will be send out?

Yes, that is correct.

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