29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: SETTINGS: WINLOGON EXTENSIONS
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Log level: 2
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Enabled: YES
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Text: Forgot your password?
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Link text: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Link tooltip: Click here to reset your password in case you have forgotten it
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Link URL: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Reset Password dialog title: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Loading text: Loading...
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Unable reset password message: Password reset is not available because domain '%s' could not be contacted and the 'Update local credentials cache' option is disabled. Please address the issue to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Unable reset password title: Error
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys 'offline password reset' message: Failed to bind to the computer's AD object.%s
Cannot continue because the operation is required to update the computer's local credentials cache. Please address the issue to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys title: Error
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys error:
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - UpdateCredentialsCache.Enabled: YES
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - UpdateCredentialsCache.Error: Your password cannot be updated on this computer, because either the new password isn't the same as the one created during self password reset, or you haven't previously logged on to the computer.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.Enabled: YES
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogTitle: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogHeaderText: Follow the steps below to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep1Text: Open the following URL on a device connected to the Internet:
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep2Text: Follow instructions of the Reset Password wizard to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep3Text: On the last step of the wizard enter the following key:
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep4Text: Enter the key displayed on the completion page of the wizard and your new password:
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResetPasswordButtonText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogNewPasswordLabel: New password:
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResponseKeyLabel: Response key:
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogTitle: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText1: Make sure your computer has Internet access.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText2: If you cannot get Internet access on the computer, use Offline Password Reset.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogRetryButtonText: Retry
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogResetOfflineButtonText: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogError: Online password reset service is not available.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.InvalidResponseKeyError: The response key is not valid. Make sure that you entered the correct key.
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.AccentColor: RGB(50, 129, 210)
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::Load ended
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCache started
29/09/17 14:04:15 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCacheInt started
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Error]: Unable open computer directory object. Error: There is no such object on the server.
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCacheInt ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Info]: Unable update cache. Error[80072030]: There is no such object on the server.
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::UpdateCacheTimeStamp started
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::UpdateCacheTimeStamp ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCache ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::WaitUpdateCache ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettingsLoaderThread::Run ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << UpdateWinLogonExtCache ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: >> CModuleContext::~CModuleContext started
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::~CModuleContext ended
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: >> CThreadManager::~CThreadManager started
29/09/17 14:04:16 [Debug]: << CThreadManager::~CThreadManager ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CModuleContext::CModuleContext started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Info]: Shutdown - No
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::CModuleContext ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::LoadCache started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::ReadCache started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::ReadCache ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::LoadCache ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettingsLoaderThread::Run started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Info]: Error connect to active directory server. Attempt: 1. Error[8007203a]: The server is not operational.
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Info]: Error connect to active directory server. Attempt: 2. Error[8007203a]: The server is not operational.
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CCoAdaxesCredentialProvider::SetUsageScenario started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CCoAdaxesCredentialProvider::SetUsageScenario ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: >> CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings started
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Debug]: << CModuleContext::LoadWinlogonSettings ended
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Info]: Error connect to active directory server. Attempt: 3. Error[8007203a]: The server is not operational.
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Info]: Error connect to active directory server. Attempt: 4. Error[8007203a]: The server is not operational.
29/09/17 14:08:18 [Info]: Error connect to active directory server. Attempt: 5. Error[8007203a]: The server is not operational.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CServiceConnectionPointHelper::GetConnectionPointKeywords started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CServiceConnectionPointHelper::ReadSettings started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Domain: allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Search filter: (&(objectCategory=serviceConnectionPoint)(keywords=*))
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Connection points (2):
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: [Service Connection Point]
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Service DNS name: FIREFLY.allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Keywords:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.ConfigurationSet: {933b3f36-6916-4c94-95eb-70696b1a67cc}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.DnsHostName: FIREFLY.allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.Port: 41978
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.ServerName: CN=FIREFLY$AdaxesBackend,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,CN={933B3F36-6916-4C94-95EB-70696B1A67CC}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.SslPort: 42234
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: ConfigurationSet.Key:0: BgIAAACkAABSU0ExAAgAAAEAAQABedhVj87pk2/Zew2euofBahkTNE589oa1ejsTC1/CNNiEONEnaXuEYD1cc/5fKsVLdXBIi9PK41ta1LYhOgOkAhEWnBVeVDGi+Cnc6J1AACZOpnLk94TAmlBNtWdXp0nM5BxEhAgAXf+8QHJOqBIXdJutPyvK0YLRlbru21xdbPTNZbuR4QyxWyTPTauvWAIqG6PDLh449
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: ConfigurationSet.Key:1: mGs5DoLKeX6DDIUlCttzGub+x/6Z8ulCNrAO2/ryVlvSxpz/pH8fU8mu6joHHppJnUvx8/scoHXv2cOZxseeqeP8Rgj4PZRAxYKA2b1AIfQQL//lneSAjnLUuNb5yVb3LurtVJ7aBLa
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationIntervalMins: 0
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationMenuDoNotShow: Don't show this message again
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationText: Some features of the Self Password Reset tool are not available because domain credentials cache is disabled on this computer. Please address it to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationTitle: Password Self Service
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.MenuEnroll: Enroll Now...
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.MenuExit: Exit
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Text: This will enable you to reset your password if you forget it in the future.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Title: Enroll for self-service password reset
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Url: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.ConfigurationSet: {0a48c76a-4267-4203-9cfa-869080513c97}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Id: {617c9063-4653-435c-9c15-e5b4835e205a}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.ManagedDomains: allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Site: Brisbane-BigAir-B1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Version: 3.8.14218.0
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.AccentColor: 13795634
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogError: Online password reset service is not available.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogResetOfflineButtonText: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogRetryButtonText: Retry
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText1: Make sure your computer has Internet access.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText2: If you cannot get Internet access on the computer, use Offline Password Reset.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogTitle: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.InvalidResponseKeyError: The response key is not valid. Make sure that you entered the correct key.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogHeaderText: Follow the steps below to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogNewPasswordLabel: New password:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResetPasswordButtonText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResponseKeyLabel: Response key:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep1Text: Open the following URL on a device connected to the Internet:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep2Text: Follow instructions of the Reset Password wizard to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep3Text: On the last step of the wizard enter the following key:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep4Text: Enter the key displayed on the completion page of the wizard and your new password:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogTitle: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: UpdateCredentialsCache.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: UpdateCredentialsCache.Error: Your password cannot be updated on this computer, because either the new password isn't the same as the one created during self password reset, or you haven't previously logged on to the computer.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.LinkText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.SettingsPriority: 100
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.WebUiUrl: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: [Service Connection Point]
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Service DNS name: FIREFLY.allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Keywords:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.ConfigurationSet: {933b3f36-6916-4c94-95eb-70696b1a67cc}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.DnsHostName: FIREFLY.allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.Port: 41978
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.ServerName: CN=FIREFLY$AdaxesBackend,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,CN={933B3F36-6916-4C94-95EB-70696B1A67CC}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.SslPort: 42234
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: ConfigurationSet.Key:0: BgIAAACkAABSU0ExAAgAAAEAAQABedhVj87pk2/Zew2euofBahkTNE589oa1ejsTC1/CNNiEONEnaXuEYD1cc/5fKsVLdXBIi9PK41ta1LYhOgOkAhEWnBVeVDGi+Cnc6J1AACZOpnLk94TAmlBNtWdXp0nM5BxEhAgAXf+8QHJOqBIXdJutPyvK0YLRlbru21xdbPTNZbuR4QyxWyTPTauvWAIqG6PDLh449
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: ConfigurationSet.Key:1: mGs5DoLKeX6DDIUlCttzGub+x/6Z8ulCNrAO2/ryVlvSxpz/pH8fU8mu6joHHppJnUvx8/scoHXv2cOZxseeqeP8Rgj4PZRAxYKA2b1AIfQQL//lneSAjnLUuNb5yVb3LurtVJ7aBLa
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationIntervalMins: 0
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationMenuDoNotShow: Don't show this message again
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationText: Some features of the Self Password Reset tool are not available because domain credentials cache is disabled on this computer. Please address it to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationTitle: Password Self Service
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.MenuEnroll: Enroll Now...
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.MenuExit: Exit
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Text: This will enable you to reset your password if you forget it in the future.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Title: Enroll for self-service password reset
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Url: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.ConfigurationSet: {0a48c76a-4267-4203-9cfa-869080513c97}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Id: {617c9063-4653-435c-9c15-e5b4835e205a}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.ManagedDomains: allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Site: Brisbane-BigAir-B1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Version: 3.8.14218.0
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.AccentColor: 13795634
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogError: Online password reset service is not available.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogResetOfflineButtonText: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogRetryButtonText: Retry
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText1: Make sure your computer has Internet access.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText2: If you cannot get Internet access on the computer, use Offline Password Reset.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogTitle: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.InvalidResponseKeyError: The response key is not valid. Make sure that you entered the correct key.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogHeaderText: Follow the steps below to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogNewPasswordLabel: New password:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResetPasswordButtonText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResponseKeyLabel: Response key:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep1Text: Open the following URL on a device connected to the Internet:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep2Text: Follow instructions of the Reset Password wizard to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep3Text: On the last step of the wizard enter the following key:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep4Text: Enter the key displayed on the completion page of the wizard and your new password:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogTitle: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: UpdateCredentialsCache.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: UpdateCredentialsCache.Error: Your password cannot be updated on this computer, because either the new password isn't the same as the one created during self password reset, or you haven't previously logged on to the computer.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.LinkText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.SettingsPriority: 100
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.WebUiUrl: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Effective connection point:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: [Service Connection Point]
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Service DNS name: FIREFLY.allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Keywords:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.ConfigurationSet: {933b3f36-6916-4c94-95eb-70696b1a67cc}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.DnsHostName: FIREFLY.allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.Port: 41978
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.ServerName: CN=FIREFLY$AdaxesBackend,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,CN={933B3F36-6916-4C94-95EB-70696B1A67CC}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Backend.SslPort: 42234
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: ConfigurationSet.Key:0: BgIAAACkAABSU0ExAAgAAAEAAQABedhVj87pk2/Zew2euofBahkTNE589oa1ejsTC1/CNNiEONEnaXuEYD1cc/5fKsVLdXBIi9PK41ta1LYhOgOkAhEWnBVeVDGi+Cnc6J1AACZOpnLk94TAmlBNtWdXp0nM5BxEhAgAXf+8QHJOqBIXdJutPyvK0YLRlbru21xdbPTNZbuR4QyxWyTPTauvWAIqG6PDLh449
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: ConfigurationSet.Key:1: mGs5DoLKeX6DDIUlCttzGub+x/6Z8ulCNrAO2/ryVlvSxpz/pH8fU8mu6joHHppJnUvx8/scoHXv2cOZxseeqeP8Rgj4PZRAxYKA2b1AIfQQL//lneSAjnLUuNb5yVb3LurtVJ7aBLa
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationIntervalMins: 0
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationMenuDoNotShow: Don't show this message again
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationText: Some features of the Self Password Reset tool are not available because domain credentials cache is disabled on this computer. Please address it to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationTitle: Password Self Service
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.MenuEnroll: Enroll Now...
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.MenuExit: Exit
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Text: This will enable you to reset your password if you forget it in the future.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Title: Enroll for self-service password reset
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: EnrollSysNotification.Url: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.ConfigurationSet: {0a48c76a-4267-4203-9cfa-869080513c97}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Id: {617c9063-4653-435c-9c15-e5b4835e205a}
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.ManagedDomains: allianceairlines.com.au
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Site: Brisbane-BigAir-B1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: Instance.Version: 3.8.14218.0
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.AccentColor: 13795634
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogError: Online password reset service is not available.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogResetOfflineButtonText: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogRetryButtonText: Retry
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText1: Make sure your computer has Internet access.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText2: If you cannot get Internet access on the computer, use Offline Password Reset.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogTitle: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.InvalidResponseKeyError: The response key is not valid. Make sure that you entered the correct key.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogHeaderText: Follow the steps below to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogNewPasswordLabel: New password:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResetPasswordButtonText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResponseKeyLabel: Response key:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep1Text: Open the following URL on a device connected to the Internet:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep2Text: Follow instructions of the Reset Password wizard to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep3Text: On the last step of the wizard enter the following key:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep4Text: Enter the key displayed on the completion page of the wizard and your new password:
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogTitle: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: UpdateCredentialsCache.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: UpdateCredentialsCache.Error: Your password cannot be updated on this computer, because either the new password isn't the same as the one created during self password reset, or you haven't previously logged on to the computer.
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.Enabled: 1
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.LinkText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.SettingsPriority: 100
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: WinlogonResetPassword.WebUiUrl: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CServiceConnectionPointHelper::ReadSettings ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CServiceConnectionPointHelper::GetConnectionPointKeywords ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::Load started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Enabled flag
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueBool started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueDWORD started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueDWORD ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueBool ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Link URL
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Proxy
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Text
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Link text
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Link tooltip
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Reset Password dialog title
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Loading text
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Unable reset password message
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Unable reset password title
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys message
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys title
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - UpdateCredentialsCache.Enabled flag
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueBool started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueDWORD started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueDWORD ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueBool ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.Enabled flag
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueBool started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueDWORD started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueDWORD ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueBool ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - UpdateCredentialsCache.Error message
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogTitle
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogHeaderText
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep1Text
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:19 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep2Text
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep3Text
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep4Text
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogCancelButtonText
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResetPasswordButtonText
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogNewPasswordLabel
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResponseKeyLabel
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogTitle
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText1
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText2
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogCancelButtonText
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogRetryButtonText
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogResetOfflineButtonText
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogError
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.InvalidResponseKeyError
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.AccentColor
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CSettingsBase::ReadRegValueStr ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - CredentialsCacheDisabledNotification.NotificationIntervalMins
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CConnectionPointKeywordMap::GetKeyword ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: SETTINGS: WINLOGON EXTENSIONS
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Log level: 2
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Enabled: YES
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Text: Forgot your password?
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Link text: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Link tooltip: Click here to reset your password in case you have forgotten it
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Link URL: https://id.allianceairlines.com.au/SelfService
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Reset Password dialog title: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Loading text: Loading...
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Unable reset password message: Password reset is not available because domain '%s' could not be contacted and the 'Update local credentials cache' option is disabled. Please address the issue to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Unable reset password title: Error
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys 'offline password reset' message: Failed to bind to the computer's AD object.%s
Cannot continue because the operation is required to update the computer's local credentials cache. Please address the issue to your system administrator.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys title: Error
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - Unable exchange keys error:
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - UpdateCredentialsCache.Enabled: YES
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - UpdateCredentialsCache.Error: Your password cannot be updated on this computer, because either the new password isn't the same as the one created during self password reset, or you haven't previously logged on to the computer.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.Enabled: YES
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogTitle: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogHeaderText: Follow the steps below to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep1Text: Open the following URL on a device connected to the Internet:
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep2Text: Follow instructions of the Reset Password wizard to reset your password.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep3Text: On the last step of the wizard enter the following key:
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogStep4Text: Enter the key displayed on the completion page of the wizard and your new password:
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResetPasswordButtonText: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogNewPasswordLabel: New password:
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.StepsDialogResponseKeyLabel: Response key:
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogTitle: Reset Password
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText1: Make sure your computer has Internet access.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogText2: If you cannot get Internet access on the computer, use Offline Password Reset.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogCancelButtonText: Cancel
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogRetryButtonText: Retry
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogResetOfflineButtonText: Reset Password Offline
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.IntroDialogError: Online password reset service is not available.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.InvalidResponseKeyError: The response key is not valid. Make sure that you entered the correct key.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: - OfflinePasswordReset.AccentColor: RGB(50, 129, 210)
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::Load ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCache started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCacheInt started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Error]: Unable open computer directory object. Error: There is no such object on the server.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCacheInt ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Info]: Unable update cache. Error[80072030]: There is no such object on the server.
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: >> CWinlogonSettings::UpdateCacheTimeStamp started
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::UpdateCacheTimeStamp ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettings::CheckAndUpdateCache ended
29/09/17 14:08:20 [Debug]: << CWinlogonSettingsLoaderThread::Run ended