0 votes

Using the Password expiration built-in scheduled task, I include the link into the /AdaxesSelfService/ChangePassword.aspx file - however it doesn't let a user put in their username - does this require any parameters in the link to do this?

I can fill in the old and new password fields fine, but can't get the username field to pull.

by (440 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


To make it work, you need to pass the user's name as a part of the URL. The username should also include the user's domain name, for example:
http://server.com/AdaxesSelfService/Cha ... domain.com
http://server.com/AdaxesSelfService/Cha ... OMAIN\user

Note that after successfully changing his/her password the user will be redirected to a page that displays the properties of his own account.


Thanks - that was what I was missing.

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