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We have two AD domains, DomainA and DomainB. DomainA has a service desk that needs to manage DomainB users. Logins are done through EntraID SAML.

In DomainB, there is a group with foreign security principals of DomainA users, that has security role to allow management. FSPs don't sync with AzureAD Connect so at first they couldn't even get past SAML. We've then put in their DomainB contacts, which allow for SAML to succeed.

When DomainA users login through SAML, they are greeted with an error stating that Domain 'domaina.org' is not managed by Adaxes (no logon information provided). We don't wish to manage Azure or DomainA through Adaxes, just DomainB.

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)

Hello Bennett,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Only users from managed domains can log in. Also, currently, Entra ID (Azure) users cannot log in to Adaxes. The feature is planned for future releases.


Hi, can you clarify when you say Entra ID users cannot log in, is this outdated? I am using Entra ID for SAML logins and it works, but only when the user's on-premises username/UPN matches their Azure UPN (using our first.last@company.com email format).

There are many users in our AD including other Adaxes admins that have a username like lastf@ad.company.com and these users are unable to sign into the Adaxes web pages, even though their Azure UPN is the correct format. Is there a way to fix that without having to alter their on-premises username?



can you clarify when you say Entra ID users cannot log in, is this outdated? I am using Entra ID for SAML logins and it works

It is still the on-premises user account that actually logs in even is Entra SAML is used. What we meant is that if you register your Entra domain in Adaxes, users from it will not be able to log in. The feature is in our TODO list.

There are many users in our AD including other Adaxes admins that have a username like lastf@ad.company.com and these users are unable to sign into the Adaxes web pages

Are you able to see the user accounts in Adaxes (e.g. when browsing your AD)? Do they belong to an on-premises AD domain?

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