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I have followed the How-To on creating a csv and importing new users into a specific OU. What I need is some understanding on how I can retrieve the password value that is auto generated by the property pattern that I have setup. When doing this from the web GUI I am able to capture the password value and pass it into a Word EULA doc that is created. How do I take that same process and that is utilized in the web GUI and have it happen the same way when importing from CSV?

The Word doc pulls the username, password, and email address from the user creation process.


by (480 points)

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by (216k points)
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Hello Tony,

As far as we understand, the Word doc is created by a Business Rule triggered after creating a new user, is that correct? In that case, you can use the %unicodePwd% value reference. When the rule is executed, it will be replaced with the new user's password.



Yes, it is a custom command that is a part of a business rule. I already have it set to %unicodePwd% in the powershell. But for some reason it is not pulling the password into the Word doc. The other value are coming correctly, just not the password.





That value reference is resolved only in Business Rules triggered upon creation of a new user and upon changing a user's password. Since you have your script in a separate Custom Command, that is a completely different operation, and the value reference is not resolved there. You need to have your script directly in the Business Rule.


That was the issue :)

Thank you for your help.

As a secondary question... Should most powershell items be done inline with the Business rule or for ease can they be created as a Custom command to easily update one location and not have to touch every business rule?





Actually, having them in Custom Commands is the recommended approach. The behavior of the %unicodePwd% value reference is one of the very few exceptions when that approach doesn't work.

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