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I've noticed the following behavior:

1. I have a group (say "group1"). The "owner" (managedby) is set to another group (distribution group) (say "group2").
2. I turn on workflow so that anytime someone wants to add a user to "group1", the owner must approve this.
3. The operation indicates that the action was sent for approval, but the members of "group2" do not receive a message about it.
4. If I sent the owner of "group1" to a specific user, it works fine.
5. If I send a message to "group2" outside of ADAxes, it works fine.

Is this expected behavior?


by (950 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Yes that is expected behavior. That feature is in our TODO list and will be implemented in the release that is scheduled for the end of 2012.

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