Hi, we currenlty have a business rule to send an email everytime the Title, Manager, Department, accountExpires, EmployeeType or FirstName attributes are changed, this includes the Inititator of the change and the detail of the change., (see below) details that are included in the email.
This rule is very chatty with hundreds of emails being sent a day.
I'd like to create a similar report to be sent once a week, including all the required attributes is this possible. ?
I have tried to modify the built in "Recently modified users" report but this doesnt seem to accept custom attributes such as %adm-InitiatorUserName% or %adm-OperationDescription%.
Initiator: %adm-InitiatorFullName% (%adm-InitiatorUserName%)
Operation: %adm-OperationDescription%
Full Name: %fullname%
Job Title: %title%
Manager: %adm-ManagerFullName%
Department: %department%
Team: %team%
Business Unit: %BusinessUnit%
End Date: %accountExpires%
Effective Date of Change: %adm-CustomAttributeDate2%