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We are looking for if Adaxes has a report we can run that will tell us if there are multiple users using the same or similar passwords? Is there any tool that we can run that acts like a PENTEST for adaxes? Are there ways to flag or prevent multiple users from being able to set a password that is the same as another users? I appreciate any information you may be able to provide. Thank You,

by (80 points)

Hey Jeff,

While you can't get the actual passwords for users, you can however get the password hashes.

Then you can use that information to understand if people have the same password.

Here is a good article on it: https://froqr.com/retrieving-password-hashes-from-active-directory/

May not directly be supported by Adaxes, but you can maybe get creative with the script. Haven't tried it in Adaxes, but if you're just curious, then you might find it useful running without Adaxes.

Hope this helps!

1 Answer

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by (296k points)

Hello Jeff,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Active directory does not allow retrieving passwords as is and thus it is not possible to compare them.

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