I'm currently using CustomAttributeBoolean1 in order to differentiate end user and service accounts during user creation. I've added the attribute to the Property Pattern scoped for my New User OU, set it to "required", and defaulted the value to "false". The attribute was then added to the web interface.
This is working as intended. I can go to the web interface, log in, create a new user and check (or leave unchecked) the box for the attribute and the business rules that key off of that value run as expected.
The problem I'm having appears to be if I right click on the OU in the Adaxes Admin Console and attempt to create a user via that dialogue. All of the fields, including the Extension Attributes, appear to be functioning as intended; the required/not required status, drop down choices, constraints for attibutes, etc. all follow the rules set in my property patterns. The only attribute that doesn't appear automatically is the CustomAttributeBoolean1 field; it appears that I need to wait until the last screen - "Additional Properties" - and click the "Add" button to find and change that field.
I can get the field to show up if, under property patterns, I don't set a default value for the attribute. Is there a way to set the default value but have the field still be visible?