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My current AD structure is over complicated because our business has consolidated over the past few years. I could of course restructure it. but as I test your product, I was hoping it could cover over some of our issues. My Structure has an OU for each City (1st level), and Sub OU's for each Business Unit (2nd Level), with Sub OU's (under the Business Unit OU making this the 3rd level) for each type of Object (Computers, Servers, Groups and Users). Over time our IT organizations have mostly consolidated at the city level, meaning the Business Unit OU's are really unnecessary. I would like to make a single Business Unit for Managing all the desktop and laptop computers under a city. But unfortunately I can't do a simple query at the city level for objectcategory=computer, because it pulls in server objects as well, which I do not want to give access to the helpdesk.

I did not see a way to add multiple containers to a single business unit. Am I missing any functionality in ADAXES that could enable this scenario?

by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


But unfortunately I can't do a simple query at the city level for objectcategory=computer, because it pulls in server objects as well, which I do not want to give access to the helpdesk.

Do you want the list not to include domain controllers or all computers with server edition of Windows installed?
If you need just to exclude domain controllers, select the Server or Workstation item in the Build Query dialog (see image attached).
If you want to exclude all computers with server edition of Windows installed, you can use a query like this:

(&(objectCategory=computer)(sAMAccountType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=805306369)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4096)(!(|(operatingSystem=Windows Server 2003)(operatingSystem=Windows 2000 Server))))

Use LDAP Filter Builder to analyze this query (see image attached)

I did not see a way to add multiple containers to a single business unit. Am I missing any functionality in ADAXES that could enable this scenario?

It is possible to add multiple containers to a Business Unit:

  1. Right-click your Business Unit and select Properties
  2. Activate the Membership Rules tab
  3. Click Add
  4. Select Container Children and select the container or OU you need
    Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all containers you need.

(Query to Exclude Domain Controllers)

(LDAP Filter Builder)

(Multiple Containers in Business Unit)

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