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I have admCustomattributes assigned to certain groups via powershell script using Set-ADMGroup -Identity $Group.SID -Add $CustomAttributes -AdaxesService $Adaxes

When I view the group through the web gui, I can see the attributes successfully added. However I would like to be able to perform operations on these groups based on the attributes assigned. The operations are quiet complicated and for a large number of groups so automating it via powershell would be my preferred option.

Get-AdmGroup <Group> -Properties * does not include the custom attributes in the result. Can you advise how I can display and therefore filter these results based on these attributes?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (14.9k points)


To get values of Adaxes custom attributes when using cmdlets from the Adaxes PowerShell module, you need to specify the property names in the Properties parameter. The below example returns the MyGroup object with the value of the adm-CustomAttributeText1 and adm-CustomAttributeText2 properties:

Get-AdmGroup MyGroup -Properties @("adm-CustomAttributeText1", "adm-CustomAttributeText2") -AdaxesService localhost

To find all groups with certain values in custom attributes, you can use the following approach:

Get-AdmGroup -Filter * -Properties @("adm-CustomAttributeText1", "adm-CustomAttributeText2") -AdaxesService Localhost | Where-Object {$_."adm-CustomAttributeText1" -eq "MyValue1" -and $_."adm-CustomAttributeText2" -eq "MyValue2"}

Alternatively, you can consider using the Adaxes ADSI provider to connect to the service, bind to an object, and get property values. For information on how to write ADSI scripts, have a look at the following SDK article: https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/WritingAdsiScripts.

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