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I have an issue in a custom command that I need a workaround for. In step 1, a Modify User command is used to change the User Principal Name of the account. Farther down in the custom command, I tried using the %userPrincipalName% calculated variable, but it used the old UPN from before Step 1 ran.

How can I update %userPrincipalName% to use the new value, or can I declare a new calculated variable that contains the new UPN?

by (40 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you have configured. Could you, please, describe the workflow in all the possible details with lie examples and screenshots? You can post the details here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.


I think you can't bring over variables from one step/script to the next one, without it being a parameter of the custom command.

If step1 actually executes and writes the info to the AD object, then $context would still have the old information that was there when the command started (I think), but you could query AD to get the new value. Using a parameter or just doing the same UPN caluclations in step2 might be more reliable. It might be counterintuitive to re-do the logic in step2 that's already present step1, but it could be more practical anyway.


Hello Felix,

Your assumption is incorrect. If you set a property value in one action of a custom command, scheduled task or business rule, it is possible to retrieve the value in a following action executing a script with method $Context.TargetObject.Get.

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