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We just updated this weekend to 2017.2 and wanted to know if there is a why to setup the option to have a locked user text to unlock their account. Maybe using their employeeID or something similar as an identifiable attribute. Please advise.

by (3.2k points)


Could you describe the desired scenario in as much detail as possible?


The desired scenario is as follows, as long as there is a mobile phone on file to verify against. Users can text or email and Adaxes will unlock the account without further interaction.

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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As a solution, we recommend using our Self-Service Client. It allows users to unlock their accounts and reset passwords in Active Directory directly from Windows Logon and Unlock Screens, even if they are locked out of their AD account. For details, have a look at the Self-Service Password Reset is Easy to Use section of the following article: http://www.adaxes.com/active-directory_ ... -reset.htm.

For information on how to configure Self-Service Password Reset from the Windows Logon Screen, have a look at the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... logon.html.

If the solution does not cover any of your scenarios, describe them in as much detail as possible and we will help you.


We are looking for a solution for remote users that are not connected to the network. We have alot of users who work off network and it would be logistical nightmare to get the self service client on their machines.



You can install an instance of Adaxes Web Interface in DMZ and make it available for off network users. For information on how to do so, have a look at the Installing Web Interface and Administration Console in DMZ section of our Installation Notes.

Keep in mind, that your off network users won’t be able to update their Windows credentials if they don’t install Adaxes Self-Service Client. They will be able to change their AD credentials only.


We were hoping for a process similar to this:

1. End User texts to Adaxes from their mobile phone on file a specific word or phrase that has been added to their account
2. Adaxes processes the text and verifies phone and word/phrase
3. Adaxes unlocks account if all passes.



There is no such possibility.

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