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I connected my local AD domain as well as my Entra domain in Adaxes, however I am now seeing duplicate user accounts, one under our local AD and the other from Entra. There is only 1 unique domain.

Is there a way to combine these users on a specific attribute? Email, Employee ID, etc? These accounts are already being synchronized via Azure AD Connect, and it's confusing determining which user is in which location when making updates.

by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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They are not duplicate accounts. It is just that synchronized user accounts have the same property values in on-premises AD and Microsoft Entra. The behavior is by design. It is not related to Adaxes and comes from Microsoft. As an option, you can disable displaying synchronized accounts. In this case, you will not see the Entra accounts synchronized with on-premises AD. To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand the Adaxes service node.
  3. Expand Managed Domains.
  4. Right-click your Microsoft Entra domain, and in the context menu click Properties.
  5. Activate the Synchronized Objects tab.
  6. Clear the Display objects synchronized with on-prem domains managed by Adaxes checkbox. image.png
  7. Click OK.

Thanks for the quick answer! I went through the steps above and I have verified only the originating account (either on-prem or Entra) is visible, and the synchronized account is no longer appearing in search results or user counts.

I still have access to any M365 groups, and Entra users that have written back to on-prem still appear under the Entra domain as expected. Everything appears to be working properly now.

Thanks again!

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