0 votes

Hi all,

I got a script that works, but is kinda finicky:

$memberListProperty = "adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1"
    $records = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx($memberListProperty)
    $records = $null

$guids = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $records.Length; $i++)
    $record = $records[$i]
    $guid = [regex]::Match(($record | Select-String -Pattern "Adaxes\:\/\/<GUID=.+\>").Matches[0].Value, '(?<=GUID=)[^>]+').Value
    $guids += $guid

$groupname = $context.TargetObject.Get("distinguishedName")

if ($groupname -like "*onmicrosoft*"){
    $servername = "fraisalan.onmicrosoft.com"
} else {
    $servername = "fraisalan.ch"

$members = Get-AdmGroupMember -Identity $groupname -AdaxesService localhost -Server $servername

foreach ($member in $members)
    #Get ObjectGUID of Member
    $binded = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($member)
    [Guid]$nguid = $binded.Get("ObjectGUID")

    #Check if it is in the array
    if ($guids -contains $nguid){
        $Context.LogMessage("$member wurde nicht gelöscht, da es über den custom command zeitlich befristet wurde.","Information")
    } elseif ($member -notlike "*GG_RBA_AD-Bellach*"){
        $Context.LogMessage("$member wurde gelöscht.", "Information")
        Remove-AdmgroupMember -Identity $groupname -Members $member -AdaxesService localhost -Confirm:$false -Server $servername
    } else{
        $Context.LogMessage("$member wurde nicht gelöscht, da es sich um eine Gruppe handelt.","Information")

The script runs for groups, and it should check if a member was added through a custom comand, or manually to the group. If he was added manually, then we will delete him.

My big problem is that the group can exist both on-prem and in the cloud.

The Adaxes Powershell functions (like Get-AdmGroupMember, or Remove-AdmgroupMember) only work with cloud objects if the server name is specified, otherwise they fail.

How can I build it nicer so that I don't have to hardcode the server name?

So basically I want to replace this part:

$groupname = $context.TargetObject.Get("distinguishedName")

if ($groupname -like "*onmicrosoft*"){
    $servername = "fraisalan.onmicrosoft.com"
} else {
    $servername = "fraisalan.ch"

Thank you for your help!

Best regards Benjamin

by (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)

Hello Benjamin,

Specifying the -Server parameter is mandatory in this case. However, you do not need to hardcode domain names in the script. You can use the below code to just obtain it for the target object:

$servername = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")

Hi, thank you for your quick answer. It works! You helped me much.

Best regards Benjamin

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