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I have the need to run a scheduled task that executes a PowerShell script to update the user criteria item on a rule-based group. I have a good start on the script, but wondered if any PowerShell wizzards could assist me. It's just taking me a long time to understand the adaxes interfaces, their methods and all that. Any help would be apprecaited.


# Connect to the Adaxes service
$ns = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmNamespace"
$service = $ns.GetServiceDirectly("localhost")

# Bind to the group
$groupDN = "%distinguishedName%"
$group = $service.OpenObject("Adaxes://$groupDN", $null, $null, 0)

# returns criteria
$rules = $group.MembershipRules

foreach($rule in $rules){
    $criteria = $rule.GetCriteria()

    <# Find the user criteria item in the array that is:
        Add({employeeType -eq "Full-Time Employee" -or employeeType -eq "Part-Time Employee" -or employeeType -eq "Limited Term Employee" -or employeeType -eq "Intern"}).
        and replace with:
        Add({employeeType -eq "Full-Time Employee" -or employeeType -eq "Part-Time Employee" -or employeeType -eq "Limited Term Employee" -or employeeType -eq "Intern" -or employeeType -eq "Regular" -or employeeType -eq "Temporary" -or employeeType -eq "Seasonal" -or employeeType -eq "Elected" -or employeeType -eq "State"}). 

by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.6k points)


Unfortunately, there are no such scripts in our repository. It should be possible to get the criteria from a membership rule (you can get the criteria for a certain object type using the GetCriteriaFor method) and convert it to Json (https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/IAdmConfigObjectJson/#ToJson_details). Then you can build the criteria you are searching for, convert it to Json as well, and use it to compare with the Json criteria in the membership rule. For more details about the criteria class, have a look at the following SDK article: https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/Criteria.

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