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I would like to exclude users from a rule-based group where distinguishedName contains "Special".

Any possibility to achive this?

by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility due to the way distinguished names are handled in Active Directory.



is this planned for future? Or maybe add option to run a PS script and include users based on output?



is this planned for future?

As we mentioned in the previous post, the limitation comes from AD itself. It is not related to Adaxes. We are not aware of any Microsoft plans to change the behavior.

Or maybe add option to run a PS script and include users based on output?

There are currently no such plans. However, a script would still not work due to the very same limit coming from AD. If there is some other AD property you can use for filtering, you can try using the Query results membership rule.

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