Good Day,
I'm currently reviewing an issue where the Adaxes Self-Service option is not functioning when our new 2FA software Duo ( is also installed.
Basically, as I understand it, both pieces of software use the Winlogon and GINA to function, but I'm not sure how they conflict with each other and was hoping to have some light shed on the situation to at least give me an idea on how to address this issue.
I have also reached out to the vendor of the other program, but was curious if any assistance could be provided.
To outline the issue clearly, I have the console portion properly configured, the issue is at the client level, in that, they no longer have access to the link on the login page to access the adaxes webpage to change their password/unlock their account.
I have tested with the Duo software uninstalled, and it worked again, however this is not an option as we want both to function as intended.