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We have a one way trust setup to our external servicedesk, they have accounts in their own domain that we trust through a one way trust. How can we let their accounts use the helpdesk webpart to edit accounts?

When trying to login as a remote user we only get logged in as guest user and it seems that Adaxess webportal thinks that I want to edit stuff in their domain and not our own domain.

What have I missed?


by (650 points)

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by (299k points)
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Hello Kaj,

You need to register their domain in Adaxes. For details, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... omain.html.


We dont have admin rights to their domain and I cant imaging that they want us to have insight into their domain, hence the current one way trust where we trust users in their domain in our domain.

Any way around that requirement and still keeping with using the remote users? I would like to stay away of delegating access in ADUC to the remote users, since that moves them away from AdAxess portal & its audit & accountability.


Hello Kaj,

You do not need to have administrative permissions to register the domain in Adaxes. For details, have a look at the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... mains.html.


Finally got around to this, but when I login as a remote domain user I get the Actions I've selected to be present, but when ever I try to execute one action (for example add user to group) I get a access denied when logged in to the portal as the remote user and trying to operate on our primary domain.

Any ideas?



Hello Kaj,

The error occurs because the remote user does not have permissions to perform the operation. In Adaxes, permissions are granted by Security Roles. For information on how to check the Security Roles assigned to a user, have a look at the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManageSecur ... forms.html. For details on how to grant specific permissions to users, have a look at the Delegating Permissions section of our tutorials: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials.htm.


Are we sure that a remote domain works? I can login but I keep getting access denied when trying to perform a operation on for example a group (add or remove a member). The user that I'm logged in as belongs to a group that has the right named 'Group Manager (builtin)' so I would think that I should be able to verify that they can edit a group and which users that are part of that group.



Can you post here or send us to support[at]adaxes.com a screenshot of the error message that you get?

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