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Trying to figure out how I would need to do this: We have a local domain, and a second domain that is on the other side of an unreliable wan link (very rural location). Would we be better off installing a second copy of Adaxes on the remote domain? And is this ok to do?
We have about 75 users locally and 25 in the remote domain. If I have 100 licenses, can I do this? Or do I need to buy 2 sets of 100 licenses?

Thanks very much,

by (540 points)

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by (299k points)
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Would we be better off installing a second copy of Adaxes on the remote domain? And is this ok to do?

It is a general recommendation by Microsoft not to install any 3rd party software on a DC, thus we usually don't recommend installing Adaxes on DCs. However, if you need to install it on a DC, you can do that without any issues. Installation on a DC is supported.

If I have 100 licenses, can I do this? Or do I need to buy 2 sets of 100 licenses?

Having a single license for all instances of Adaxes services requires sharing configuration between them. It is possible if there is connection between the networks. For information on how to share service configuration, have a look at our Installation Notes: http://www.adaxes.com/resources/InstNot ... structions.


Thanks for your response.

Does that mean (like in my example) that if I was at the remote site and the wan link was down, I could still make changes in Adaxes and those changes would replicate back to the main site once the connection was back up?



Hello Jason,

When performing changes in Active Directory, Adaxes Service connects to the nearest DC available. Thus, if you install an instance of Adaxes Service in the remote site, it will connect to the local DCs and perform the changes there. Then, those changes will be replicated to your main site via normal AD replication.

As to changes in Adaxes configuration, Adaxes uses an instance of AD LDS as its configuration storage server. Adaxes configuration replication is made by means of AD LDS replication. It is very similar to AD DS as they are based on the same engine. Thus, if the link goes down for several minutes or hours, this should not make a huge issue. The only thing we would recommend is to track the AD LDS logs for lingering objects and failed attempts to replicate, the same as you would normally do with AD DS replication.


This would be for a second (separate) domain, not a second Domain Controller. 2 domains, one local and one remote.



Do those domains belong to the same forest? Do they have any trusts between them?


They do not have any trust between them and different forests, they are completely separate. Part of a business merger, some of that could change in the future but probably not for a while.

Thanks very much,


Hello Jason,

In this case, you will need to purchase a separate license for the second instance of Adaxes service. Also, there will be no possibility for instances of Adaxes service to share their configuration. This means that if you configure anything in one of the 2 instances, like a Business Rule, Security Rule etc, it will not be copied over to the 2nd instance automatically. You will need to do that manually.


Thanks very much for your help.

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