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When creating a user I would like to set it up so that once the answer to the first field is given, then a second field appears with a defined list of possible answers, or if the list is already existing then it only shows possible answers, for example:

If the "Country" field is answered as "United Kingdom" then the "Office" field will appear and have only the selection of "London, Manchester, Glasglow" etc, and if "United States" is chosen as the answer for "Country" then the list will appear and only have the options for "Orlando, Miami, New York" etc

Is this possible?

by (400 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Scott,

Currently, there is no such possibility. However, we have this feature in our Product Backlog.


I do this with a little workaround. I have a property pattern for each country, and this is assigned to the OU of the corresponding country.

Then I can set a default value for country, and set the different possible values for the offices, departments etc...

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