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Hi all,

I have a condition during new user creation - Where the corporate email is entered into the email address field, but a custom drop-down for "Mailbox required?" is No.

For most users, having a corporate email in that fields means they need a mailbox - but I want users to have the option to not create one despite that. However, it's not advisable, and 9/10 times means they've just forgotten to select "Mailbox Required: Yes".

So I want to warn them if this happens, in the Before User Creation Rule.

This is the required logic: If the email address ends with @corporateemail.com, and the field 'Mailbox Required' is No - then inform the user, and give them a Yes/No option. If they click Yes, it proceeds. If they choose no, it cancels the operation so they can return to the form and change the "Mailbox Required" option to "Yes".

So I really want to know - Is there any way - perhaps using Adaxes PowerShell (SDK/ADSI) - to make a Before User Creation powershell script throw a Yes/No choice up on the screen, and be able to save the result of this choice to a variable?

Thanks all,

ago by (80 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (286k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

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