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I am setting up a custom command to decomission users, part of the process before the AD groups are removed I want it to export a list of the groups to a network location. I can do it easily enough in powershell when specifying the user, but trying to use the %SAMAccountName% isn't working. Below is the small script I have so far to do it, can you please advise if anything is missing?

Import-Module Adaxes

$ADusername = "%SAMAccountName%"
$filedestinaton = "*file path*"

Get-admPrincipalGroupMembership $ADusername | select name | Export-Csv $filedestinaton-$ADusername.csv

I am currently getting an error "The command can be executed via an Adaxes service only." I have a security role which is allowed to run this custom command which I have added my account to, so i believe i have permission to run it.

by (400 points)


Can you provide details on how you execute the Custom Command? Do you run it manually (via the Web Interface or the Administration Console), or as a part of some other script, Custom Command, Business Rule or Scheduled Task? Is the command enabled or disabled? To check this, right-click the command and select Properties.


Right now it is it's own custom command as I wanted to just test the file logging part by itself. However I would like it to be part of a custom command that can be run manually via the web interface, and also part of a scheduled task that will run based on a users end date. While I have been testing I have been running it manually via the administration console by either the "run script" button inside the action, or by going through the "active directory" in adaxes and right clicking on the user I want to run it on -> "All tasks" -> Custom command. The command is currently enabled.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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The thing is that the Get-AdmPrincipalGroupMembership cmdlet can be executed via an Adaxes service only. Thus, you need to specify an adaxes service via the -AdaxesService parameter, for example:

Get-AdmPrincipalGroupMembership $ADusername -AdaxesService localhost | select name | Export-Csv $filedestinaton-$ADusername.csv

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