Hi team,
based on Configure Syslog output it says
By default, Adaxes uses UDP port 514 to send Syslog messages.
Is there any possibilty to change this setting, especially to set TCP?
You can specify the required port on in the syslog settings: Unfortunately, there is no possibility to change it from UDP to TCP. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.
Hi again, the script here needs a small change In the last catch area, it has to be $messageEncodingName, otherwise the output will show nothing for default as the value is empty : ) catch { $messageEncodingName = "UTF-8 (default)" }
We are trying to set up syslog viewing in Splunk Storm from our Adaxes instance. I have enabled syslog output and put in the appropriate Syslog server information. ... asking for this information in its configuration. Thank you for information you can provide.
Hi team, is it somehow possible to fetch and export information from scheduled tasks and rule based groups about their schedule time? Maybe also about the next run time and how ... an overview and see if some or too many tasks are running at the same time.
We're testing Yubikeys for MFA in Microsoft Entra. Is it possible for us to pull a list of users with a registered Yubikey, and also get the serial number from Entra (shows ... report available to some admins in Adaxes, but I'm not sure how to pull that data.
We are currently using the script below to check for a unique username/upn. If the name is not unique, it adds a number to the end. In the Adaxes logs, everything appears ... .LogMessage("The username has been changed to " + $uniqueUPN ` + ".", "Information")