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I'm developing a Web interface to allow a user (or group of users) to add member(s) to or remove member(s) from one particular group. I've used Customize Operations to add the actions Add to Group and Remove from Group. Add to Group works fine, but I need some guidance on removing a user. Right now when it's selected, it brings up a list of all user records in our domain. What I'd like to have it do is display a list of the existing members of the group so that one or more can be selected to be removed. Is this possible?

by (870 points)

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by (285k points)
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Hello Sandra,

There is no such possibility using the Remove from Group Home Page Action. However, you can use the Modify Group action and customize the action form to include only the Member section. For information on how to create the Home Page Action, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_ConfigureActionsPane.htm.


Thanks for pointing me to that post. I've now got that part working fine. So the next issue is how to navigate through a group that has over 1500 members. I made the update to the web.config to allow more than 500 members to be loaded. However, if I want to delete a member I have to page through multiple pages in order to locate the member to be deleted. Is there a better way to accomplish this?


Hello Sandra,

You can use Home Page Actions. For example, to remove users from groups use the Remove from group action.


That solution takes me right back to my original issue. What's displayed is a list of objects in the domain... NOT the list of members in a particular group. I could potentially select someone that's not even in the group. What I need is a way to search for names WITHIN THE GROUP, select them and then have the ability to delete them. The option available in the Manage Group Membership action to Add/Remove members would be perfect except for the inability to search within the group. The particular group being managed has 1500+ members!


Hello Sandra,

To be able to search only among members of a specific group when using the Remove from Group action, you need to edit the action to use an LDAP filter for target object selection. To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Web Interface Customization tool.
  2. Select the interface type and click Configure Home Page Actions on the General tab.
  3. Double-click the action.
  4. Activate the Target Object Selection tab.
  5. Select Allow selecting only AD objects that match the specific LDAP filter option.
  6. In the LDAP filter field, specify the following:
    where Group_DN is the distinguished name of the group you want to remove users from.
  7. Activate the Target Group tab and select the Always modify membership of the specified group option.
  8. In the Group DN field, enter the distinguished name of the same group that you specified in the LDAP filter field on step 6.
  9. Click OK three times.

Thank you! We are so close!!! So now just the group members are displaying so that they can be selected for deletion, however the list should consist of users from two different domains, but only members from the first domain are displayed. I still have my initial operation that I tried to use that allows both adding and deleting members from the group and it shows all of the group members but they aren't intermingled, meaning that first it's sorting all of the members of the first domain and then sorting the members of the second domain (appended to the end). Even though I can't use this to perform a search, I can navigate to the end of the group and see the name I've searched for. I can provide screen captures if necessary...


Hello Sandra,

As members of your group belong to different domains, to be able to choose among them all, you need to continue using the Manage Group Membership action. In that action, the group members order cannot be changed, and the search option is not available. This behavior is by design.

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