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Please excuse this lengthy post but in order to fully explain my scenario, I believe it's necessary.

We're using the Adaxes Web Interface to enable Department HR Reps to create, edit and Separate Contractors and Temps in their department. Each HR Rep can only see the AD records of those in their Department for those actions. However, they also the ability to Re-Enable an account. There is an action button on their Home page that when selected will display a list of disabled accounts in ALL departments because the possibility exists that an Employee may be rehired as a Contractor/Temp that previously worked in a different Department. Upon selecting an AD record, a custom command runs that performs several actions, one of which is to send an e-mail with details about the account so that it can be processed by a downstream system (outside of AD).

My issue is that I need a way for the AD record to be updated prior to sending the e-mail so that the correct Department/Division/Unit can be selected. Currently the e-mail is sent with information pertaining to their previous position, not the one that they are being re-enabled for because I have no way for the HR Rep to update the information. I've considered inserting an approval process before the e-mail is sent, but that doesn't provide an opportunity to update the record either. And since the previously disabled account might not be in the same department as the HR Rep, they would never see it in the list of accounts that they can edit. So I need a way to update the record with the new information prior to it being e-mailed.

Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

by (870 points)

That's an odd set of circumstances. But how about when the user is Decommissioned, you remove the previous department, and assign a common one that all HR Reps can manage. Then the department can be updated by any of the reps as needed.


That's something to consider. I'll discuss with my technical team and see if it's feasible. Thanks...


After a little more research, determined that it isn't possible for the Initiator of a Web Interface update to also be the Approver, which is what would be needed in this scenario. I need to assistance from Adaxes Support on perhaps a better way to accomplish my goal of intercepting a custom command to allow time for the AD record to be updated in the Web Interface before completing the remaining actions.

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