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One of the ways we use Adaxes in our organization is for new user provisioning. We set up template accounts for different job functions with the needed groups and attributes in place. We then use business rules to get the right user account template and any location-specific groups required (if job title/office = x then do the following). It then performs the rest of the required activity (moving user to proper OU, adding email account, etc) and notifies the manager when complete.

What we're running into is what could potentially be a problem in the future. Our rules set is starting to get rather large. With over 150 job titles/locations specified, it takes several minutes just to enumerate the list, as well as when changes are saved. Due to how Adaxes handles changes (deleting the exiting rules and recreating them), I'm afraid that at some point it will take too long, error out, and leave us with a broken/incomplete set of rules.

Is anyone else using Adaxes for a similar purpose? If so, is there a better way to manage the process and avoid this kind of 'rule creep'?

Thank you,
Tom F

by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Tom,

When there are a lot of dependencies and conditions, using sets of actions and conditions can be very complicated and hard to manage. In such cases, it is recommended to use PowerShell scripts. You can check our script repository for examples: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository.htm?. If you do not find an example that meets your needs, provide all the possible details regarding the desired scenario and we will help you.

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