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We are trailing Adaxes and wanted to find out how to enable Litigation Hold on a user mailbox at the time of a new user creation. We are in a hybrid setup and are running a powershell script to enable remote mailbox onto O365 in the Business Rule.

by (100 points)

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We are in a hybrid setup and are running a powershell script to enable remote mailbox onto O365 in the Business Rule.

You do not need a script for that. Adaxes creates remote mailboxes automatically when an Office 365 license containing Exchange Online is assigned to a user.

how to enable Litigation Hold on a user mailbox at the time of a new user creation

Add the Modify Exchange properties action to your Business Rule. To do that:

  1. Right-click the Activate an Office 365 account action and click Add New Action.
  2. Select Modify Exchange properties and then click the Exchange Properties button.
  3. Activate the Mailbox Features tab and select both checkboxes in front of Litigation Hold.
  4. Select the Litigation hold duration (days) checkbox, enter the required duration and then click OK.
    Just click OK to set unlimited litigation hold.
  5. Click OK twice.
  6. Save the changes. The Business Rule should look like the following:

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