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is it possible to fix the language of the web UI´s to english language ?

Thanky you

by (240 points)


What do you mean by 'fix the language'?

To change the user interface language, click the My Settings link located in the My Panel section.



I want to have the Interface for all users in english langauge without the possiblitiy to change it.
Otherwise I have to mantain a lot of languages when customizing the system


1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2021

Starting with Adaxes 2021.1, you can disable built-in languages and add new ones for Adaxes Web interface. To only keep the English language in a Web interface:

  1. Open Adaxes Web interface configurator.
  2. In the top left corner, select the Web interface you want to customize.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click UI Texts.
  4. In the UI Texts section, clear the checkboxes for all the languages except for English. image.png
  5. Save the changes.



Unfortunately there is no easy solution for this problem.

You can manually delete all the localization resources for all languages except for English.

In the folder where the Web Interface is installed, delete the following:

  • bin/de folder
  • bin/fr folder
  • all *.de.resx files in all subfolders
  • all *.fr.resx files in all subfolders

By default the Web Interface is installed in C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\<Web Interface Type>


Reverse question - is it possible to create your own language?

I had hoped to be able to create a new version of C:\Users\All Users\Softerra\Adaxes 3\AttributeFriendlyNames2.xyz and populate it with local language versions of AD attributes.

This is for a dedicated user self-service portal for business users only, so I only really need the core Username, Address, Account Expiry etc fields to be in local language - any other interfaces would be used by IT staff who tend to be able to read English anyway!




Yes, this is possible and, actually, you already pointed a way how to do that. You can create your own files with display names for AD properties in the languages that you need. To do this:

  1. Copy an existing file with friendly names for AD properties. The new file should be located in the C:\Users\All Users\Softerra\Adaxes 3\* folder by default, and the filename should be in the AttributeFriendlyNames2.lan.xml* format, where lan is the three-letter code for the language defined in ISO 639-2.
  2. Edit the new file to your requirements. On how to do this, see Customizing Display Names for AD Properties

The language, in which the Web Interface site will be displayed, will depend on the language settings of the web browser it is viewed with.


Is there a way to completly add a new language? That will also be available from the language selection on the "My Settings" page?



There is a possibility to translate only a portion of the Web Interface, but not completely. The thing is that a portion of the texts are in *.resx files that are actually plain text files and can be freely added and edited for a new language version of Adaxes Web interface. However, some of the lines are compiled into binary resources and cannot be edited. If you want, you can find all *.resx files in the directory where any of your Web Interface types are installed to and see, which lines can be translated. If this is OK with you, we will provide you with more detail.


Yes, please do. As long as this will show up as a selectable languange for the users :)



There is no possibility to add the language to the list in the My Settings page, however if the language setting is set to <Auto>, the Web Interface is displayed in the language set as default in the Web browser. So, if you translate the *.resx files, name them correctly, and your users have the same language selected as default in their web browsers, the users will see Adaxes Web interface (at least, a part of it) in the language you added.

To accomplish this task:

  1. On the computer where your Web Interface is installed, open the folder that contains the Adaxes Web Interface site that you want to configure. By default, Adaxes Web Interface sites are installed to the following folders:

    • Administrators:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\Admin\
    • Help Desk:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\HelpDesk\
    • Self-Service:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\SelfService\
  2. Locate all *.resx files. For each file there will be three versions:

    • Filename.resx - the English version,
    • Filename.de.resx - the German version,
    • Filename.fr.resx - the French version.
  3. To create a new language version of a *resx file, you need to copy one of its language versions, place the new file to the same folder and add/change the two-letter language code for the language. For a list of possible two-letter codes for different languages, see the Microsoft's description of the CultureInfo Class.

  4. Open the file for the new language with a text editor. You can edit it the same as any other XML file.

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