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I have to provision user accounts for different users from different companies in one Active Directory.
Therefore I want to generate the samaccountname automatically when creatin users. I see I can use all AD attributes to combine them in various ways to generate that name, but I want to have the SAMACCOUNTNAME unique for the whole AD. I need something that is available and unique to generate the SAMACCOUNTNAME automatically. Any hints ??
It doesn´t matter how the SAMACCOUNTNAME looks like!

Thank you very much


by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)
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Best answer


There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Create a Business Rule that will automatically modify the username if it is not unique. For details, please see Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script (step 5, example 2).


  2. Modify the builtin Property Pattern called User Pattern to generate usernames using the following template: %adm-RandomString,20%



perfect, that works for me!

Thank you

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