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I would like to add a prefix to all user sAMAccountName

For example, if the user's logon name is jsmith and their current sAMAccountName is jsmith, I want to change the sAMAccountName to abc_jsmith.

How can I do this for all users in bulk?


by (130 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Take a look at the following tutorial that shows how to modify Remote Desktop Services settings in bulk: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveD ... InBulk.htm. You can use it as a guide. To accomplish your task:

  • On the 2nd step of the tutorial, select the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) property.
  • On the 3rd step, specify the following template: abc_%sAMAccountName%.

If you want to modify multiple objects in the Web interface, you'll need to create Custom Commands for this purpose. You can create Custom Commands that modify certain properties of an AD object according to a certain template, and then execute the Custom Command in the Web interface on multiple users. For more information, see Create a Custom Command.



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