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I try to change the script from Report 'Inactive users' to get only users which are located under an specific "Admin" OU.

I can't use "Look in" because we manage 20 small Domains and I can only pick one Admin OU at a time.
So I try to change the filter part, add $filterAdminOU = "(ou:dn:=Admin)" -> didn't work.
I can't find the failure :(

# Build search filter
$threshold = (Get-Date).AddDays(- $days)
$thresholdInt64 = $threshold.ToFileTime()
$thresholdGeneralizedTime = [Softerra.Adaxes.Utils.Transform]::ToGeneralizedTime($threshold.ToUniversalTime())

$filterUsers = "(sAMAccountType=805306368)" # all user objects
$filterAdminOU = "(ou:dn:=Admin)"
$filterCreatedBefore = "(whenCreated<=$thresholdGeneralizedTime)"

$filterNoLastLogonTimestamp = "(!(lastLogonTimestamp=*))"
$filterLoggedOnBeforeTimestamp = "(lastLogonTimestamp<=$thresholdInt64)"

# The report is based on the lastLogonTimestamp attribute, which is replicated across all DCs.
# The lastLogon attribute is not replicated but contains the exact time when a 
# user logged on the DC Adaxes is connected to. Using the attribute in search filter makes
# report results more accurate.
$filterNoLastLogon = "(!(lastLogon=*))"
$filterLoggedOnBefore = "(lastLogon<=$thresholdInt64)"

$filterPasswordChangedBefore = "(pwdLastSet<=$thresholdInt64)"

$filter = "(&" +
    $filterUsers + $filterCreatedBefore + $filterAdminOU +
    "(|" + $filterNoLastLogonTimestamp + $filterLoggedOnBeforeTimestamp + ")" +
    "(|" + $filterNoLastLogon + $filterLoggedOnBefore + ")" +
    $filterPasswordChangedBefore + ")"


by (510 points)

Ok, I found "Support for Extensible Match Search Filters are limited, Microsoft's Active Directory for instance does not support this (reference)."

Can I filter the search result like in Powershell | where { $_.CanonicalName -like "*/Admin/*" }


1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer

Hello Helmut,

To achieve what you need, we recommend using a Business Unit as the report scope. For information on how to create Business Units, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Active ... tively.htm. The Business Unit should contain the users located in the Admin OUs in all the domains.

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