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Is it possible to configure different avatars/icons for AD objects in quick search result list?
It wouldn't be an issue if I could right click on a result and open in the new tab each of the results shown, but now I have to wait it to load a page just to see I selected wrong result and need to do another search. I think this can be improved a lot.

Like in here, it is impossible to distinguish between Mail Contact and User object...

by (760 points)

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by (294k points)
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Is it possible to configure different avatars/icons for AD objects in quick search result list?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it for future releases of Adaxes,

It wouldn't be an issue if I could right click on a result and open in the new tab each of the results shown, but now I have to wait it to load a page just to see I selected wrong result and need to do another search. I think this can be improved a lot.

The possibility to open quick search results in a new tab will be available in the next release of Adaxes. Thank you for the suggestion.


As always satisfied with your reply.



Adaxes 2019.1 which supports opening quick search results in a new tab is now available. You can download it here.

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