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Is it possible to change the "StartsWith" search on Quick Search to a "Contains"?

I know this is possible on the Search tab, but just wondering if it can be setup for the Quick Search too

by (730 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Currently, this can't be done, but for the next version we will completely rework the look and feel of Adaxes Web Interface. Among the other changes that we are planning, we are going to rework searching in the Web interface. We'll take your request into account.


The ability to use wildcards (*) for search in the web interface would be a nice addition as well. It works really well with the fat client



It is a popular request among our customers. We'll think on how to implement it in the reworked Web Interface that we are preparing for the next version.



Can you elaborate on why you changed the normal search function to default use contains, while it remained 'starts with' on the quick search box?

If the quick search box uses contains, you will also get the same results as you would while searching with starts with, only with more possibilities. :(



We simply missed that when we changed the default search option for Simple Search. Starting from Update 1 to Adaxes 2014.1 released yesterday, using Quick Search, it is possible to find not only objects whose names start with the entered text, but also objects that contain the entered text in any part of the name. You can download it here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.


Hello again,

Is there a way to revert to the "start with"? Our helpdesk team complains about response time since the update.

We have a lot of objects and it can take up to 15 seconds to do a quick search currently.

Thank you in advance


Hello Pierre,

Such an issue with Quick Search has already been reported to us. We've decided to change the behavior of the Quick Search function as follows:

  1. If the text entered in the Quick Search field starts with the asterisk character (*), the search is performed using the contains option.
  2. If the text starts with any other character, the search is performed using the starts with option.

You can download a new build of Adaxes, in which the behavior of the Quick Search function is changed, here.

Upgrade Instructions


Dear support,

This is a great news, very proactive.

We are currently running 3.7.10821.0 (which seems to be the latest version) but we are still experiencing the slow quick search. It really feels like it is still does contains instead of start with.




Hello Pierre,

The latest build is 3.7.10905.0.


Ho, this build was not advertised as an available update within the client.

We did download & install the trial and we now have 3.7.10905.0 running.

It completely solved the issue, thanks a lot!


Hello Pierre,

The thing is that it is an unofficial release that we've made available to quickly fix the issue. We are planning one more minor update to Adaxes 2014 that will be released officially and that will include the fix among other improvements.

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