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Hello - We are currently doing a trail of Adaxes and really like it so far. However the one issue we can't seem to figure out is how to set the Address Book Policy properly.

We currently have Exchange 2013 in hybrid mode and did see the predefined action of setting an Address Book Policy but that doesn't seem to work. Is there something different we need to do since it's Hybrid?


by (50 points)

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by (294k points)
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Do we understand correctly that you need to specify an Address Book Policy after creating new mailboxes? If that is so, you can use the Modify Exchange properties action in your Business Rule triggering After creating a user. The rule will create a mailbox and then set the required policy.

If that is what you need, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automa ... ration.htm.

If you are trying to achieve something different, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the desired scenario.


Thanks for the reply. We're attempting to update the Address Book Policies for existing mailboxes that have already been created. After looking at the documentation you referrenced, it looks like we need to use custom commands. If so, is it possible to update the Address Book Policy via custom commands for existing mailboxes?



Yes, it is possible. The Modify Exchange properties action is available in Custom Commands.

Also, you can modify the Address Book Policy in Exchange properties of a user without involving Custom Commands. For example, in Adaxes Web Interface you can just navigate to a user and update the setting in the Exchange properties section or use the Edit Exchange properties action. For details on configuring Web Interface actions, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... nsPane.htm. In Adaxes Administration Console, you can also update the Address Book Policy in the Exchange section of user properties.


Thanks for the suggestions.

When I'm attempting to edit the AddressBookPolicay in the Adaxes Admin Console the list of Address Book Policies to choose from is empty (we have roughly 75 ABP in our org).

In the Admin Web Portal, I'm able to to view the Exchange Properties of a user but when I edit/modify the user the Exchange Properties are gone. I did log into the Web Configurator and tried to update the Administrator login but under the Management Section -> Modify the Exchange Property section doesn't exist nor could I find out how to add it.



When I'm attempting to edit the AddressBookPolicay in the Adaxes Admin Console the list of Address Book Policies to choose from is empty (we have roughly 75 ABP in our org).

It looks like the issue occurs because the account that was specified during the domain registration in Adaxes does not have required permissions in Exchange. For information on how to check/change the account, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... nInfo.html. It is recommended to assign the account to the Organization Management role group. It provides administrative access to an entire Exchange organization and can perform almost any task.

If, for some reason, you do not want to provide the account administrative access to your Exchange organization, you need to assign the account to the following role groups in Exchange:

For more details, see Understanding Management Roles.

In the Admin Web Portal, I'm able to to view the Exchange Properties of a user but when I edit/modify the user the Exchange Properties are gone. I did log into the Web Configurator and tried to update the Administrator login but under the Management Section -> Modify the Exchange Property section doesn't exist nor could I find out how to add it.

For information on how to configure forms in Adaxes Web Interface, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... diting.htm.

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