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I have a couple of users where when they are typing on the self service unlock client, the keyboard isn't working as normal and is entering special characters stopping them from entering their security answers or username.
If they cancel and then go back via the link on the logon page, it does work.
So far from my test pool of 4 users 2 have the issue and 2 don't. All using the same model of laptops with the same USB keyboards.
Any ideas?

by (40 points)


Do we understand correctly that users access the wizard where they enter the username and answers for security questions by clicking a link on the Windows Logon/Lock screen? Does the issue appear for the affected users spontaneously or always? Does the issue persist when the input is performed via the built-in keyboard of the laptops?



Thanks for getting back to me. Yes it's the page loaded after the user clicks on the link from their lock/login screen.

The issue appeared for some users but not others and for those affected, it only seems to appear the first time, if they cancel and then go back onto the page it doesn't appear.

I am performing some more testing with users to see if there is anything that seems to be causing it.




Thank you for the confirmation. For further troubleshooting, could you, please, clarify what Windows version runs on the laptops where the issue persists? Does the issue appear again after locking/restarting the computer or maybe after performing some other actions?
Also, please, do the following:

  1. Enable Debug Logging to track all the Adaxes Self-Service Client actions. To do so:

    • Open Windows Start menu.
    • Type regedit and press Enter.
    • Locate the following registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Softerra\Adaxes Self-Service Client].
    • Right-click the LogLevel entry and select Modify (create the entry if it does not exist).
    • In the Value data box, type 2 and click OK.
  2. Reproduce the issue.

  3. Send us (support[at]adaxes.com) the adaxeswinlogonextlog.txt file located in the System32 subfolder of your Windows folder.


Thanks for this, I've setup logging on the machines, but with it being an intermittent issue, I haven't been able to get it to replicate since.
Once I can capture it in the logs, I will get back to you. Thanks.

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