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My org has decided to create LDAP fields to replace some of the custom Adaxes fields. how can I copy the following fields?

adm-CustomAttibuteDate1 > ldapDate1
adm-CustomAttibuteText1 > ldapInteger1

I need to be able to run the job for all user object in AD.

by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


You can create a Scheduled Task configured for the User object type that will run just once. The task will update values of new attributes with those of corresponding Adaxes custom attributes using value references. For information on how to create Scheduled Tasks, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automa ... gement.htm. Additionally, the task can also clear the custom attributes if required. Finally, it will look like the following:


I am not able to type in the box to to set the field I'm trying to copy from. I have attached both Screen Shot

Adaxes version



When using the Update the User action to modify dates, you need to use the Edit button to specify the value to be set.

As we understand, usrAdaxesSN-NonBillID is an Integer property. It means that in the New Value field, you can enter only digits. In Adaxes version 2017.2 it was not possible to enter value references for Integer properties in the action.


Okay, So how can I copy one field into another if I can't use value references? Is there a way using powershell?



Yes, it is possible using PowerShell. You will need a script like below. In the script:

  • $propertyToCopy - Specifies the LDAP name of the property whose value will be copied to another property.
  • $propertyToSet- Specifies the LDAP name of the property to update.
$propertyToCopy = "adm-CustomAttributeText1" # TODO: modify me
$propertyToSet = "adm-CustomAttributeInt1" # TODO: modify me

    $valueToCopy = $Context.TargetObject.Get($propertyToCopy)
    $valueToCopy = $NULL

$Context.TargetObject.Put($propertyToSet, $valueToCopy)

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