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Is it possible to have custom command that doesn't execute on a specific (or any) AD object? I realize Adaxes is for AD management, but I was wondering if it would be possible to create a custom action that I can just execute without having to select a user/group/contact/etc

I have a powershell script that I want to use to create a database account on a SQL server, but I don't need it to execute against and AD object, I just need it to talk to the SQL server.


by (520 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Yes. You can create a Custom Command that will be executed on a User object. Then, you can create a Home Page Action in the Adaxes Web Interface that would always execute this Custom Command for the current user, thus evading the object selection page. To do this:

  1. Create a new Custom Command.
  2. On the 2nd step of the Create Custom Command wizard, select User.
  3. On the 3rd step of the wizard, add the Run a program or PowerShell script action and paste your PowerShell script.
  4. Finish creation of the Custom Command.
  5. On the computer, where the Web Interface is installed, start the Web Interface Customization tool.
  6. In the Interface type drop-down list, select the Web Interface you want to configure.
  7. Activate the General tab, select the Actions pane option, and click Configure Home Page Actions.
  8. In the dialog box that appears, click Add...
  9. On the 1st step of the Add Home Page Action wizard that appears, select Custom Command.
  10. Select the Custom Command that you created in the drop-down list that appears next to the Custom Command option.
  11. On the 3rd step of the wizard, select Always perform for the current user an click Finish.

This will do the job.


Thanks! Your reply pointed me in the correct direction. I had used the LDAP names in the file but when I went to double-check that I did I found that I'd misspelled the LDAP name for both properties I was using.

Thanks very much for the help, everything to do with this topic is now working perfectly.


Is there a way to add additional Adaxes Virtual Properties, such as "adm-CustomAttributeText11", ...12, and so on?

In the Web Interface Customization tool I've configured a Customized Form, added a new Field with the "Add Extra..." button called "adm-CustomAttributeText11" and updated my AttributeFriendlyNames2.eng, then ran iisreset. This resulted in my Friendly Name showing up correctly in the "Section Field" of the "Customize Form" dialog box.

Now I'm trying to create a Business Rule and Add Condition "If <property> changed". When I attempt to select the Condition Parameters my new Virtual Property does not appear in the selection list with "Show all properties" selected.

I also noticed that in the Web Interface I receive an error when clicking onthe new Home Page action after I select the user I want to modify:

Fetal Error
Information about the property 'adm-customattributetext11' was not fetched.

I am going about this the correct way?


Hello Michael,

You cannot add properties like this. Currently, Adaxes provides only 10 custom properties that you can use for text (string) values, which are CustomAttributeText1 through CustomAttributeText10. We'll add 10 new custom text attributes in Adaxes 2013.1.

For now, since you have Exchange installed, you can use the custom properties that are provided by Microsoft Exchange Server. By default, Adaxes displays these properties as ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-1 through ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-15. The LDAP names for these properties are extensionAttribute1 through extensionAttribute15. You can use them as any other properties of directory objects.



any news?

at today I still cannot find any guide or documentation for pass variable to custom script, trough web interface,

is this feature still in development?

Thank you

Best Regards,



In our Custom Command That Does Not Execute on Object we only promised to add more custom attributes that can be used with a workaround for this feature. For a short description of the workaround, have a look at Custom Command That Does Not Execute on Object, and detailed instructions are provided in Custom Command That Does Not Execute on Object.

We did that. Now, you can use the following custom attributes:

  • CustomAttributeText1 through CustomAttributeText30 - for text (string) values,
  • CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1 through CustomAttributeTextMultiValue10 - for multivalued text (string) values,
  • CustomAttributeBoolean1 through CustomAttributeBoolean25 - for boolean values,
  • CustomAttributeInt1 through CustomAttributeInt5 - for integer values,
  • CustomAttributeBinary1 through CustomAttributeBinary5 - for binary values,
  • CustomAttributeDate1 through CustomAttributeDate5 - for date values,
  • CustomAttributeTimeStamp1 through CustomAttributeTimeStamp5 - for time values.

As for the feature of passing variables to PowerShell scripts, we have the feature on our product backlog, but it is not planned for the nearest future. For now, you can use the workaround provided in the posts mentioned above. Should you have any questions and / or difficulties in implementing it, do not hesitate to ask.

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