We are evaluating Adaxes as a replacement for our existing AD management interface. As a result, we are looking at how Adaxes can simulate or replicate the existing functionality of our current management system.
I have been experimenting with using business rules to automate the creation of home directories and user profiles paths. All user data for our students is stored under...
Further to this, the parent OU of the a user defines the remaining part of the path, for example, a user named 'sheldon.cooper', under the AD structure CN=sheldon cooper,OU=Senior 4,OU=Students,OU=COM,OU=Establishments,DC=company,DC=pri
should have a home directory path...
\\server\COMStudentWork\Senior 4\sheldon.cooper
I suppose that I could have serveral business rules, one for each parent OU, with a hard coded path, but I was wondering if it would be possible to perform it automatically, based on the OU that the user is created in.
Whilst researching this functionality / problem, I used this post as a guide...
Filling "Department" attribute based on OU name
However, even having an (1st) action in a business rule that sets 'ou' property of the new created user, when a subsequent (2nd) action runs under the rule business rule that set the user home directory path based on \\DC\COMStudentWork\%ou%\%username%, it still results on an actual path created like... \\DC\COMStudentWork\\%username% (notice the missing OU entry).
Apologies if this description of our problem is confusing. I am more than happy to provide further information if required.
regards and thanks,
Jay Paterson