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Hi there

When I want to do a Backup from C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\Softerra.Adaxes.BackupRestore.exe tool, I get this error:

"Can't back up or restore the Adaxes configuration, because it is stored on a remote computer."

Can you please help.

I want to do the upgrade to 2013.1 from 2012.1 (3.3.8308.0) 64bit

by (210 points)


Can you send us your Adaxes service configuration file so that we could troubleshoot the issue? To do this:

  1. Navigate to the folder where your Adaxes service is installed (by default, C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service).
  2. Find the file called Softerra.Adaxes.Service.exe.Config. The file contains settings of your Adaxes service.
  3. Send the file to our support email (support[at]adaxes.com).

Email send :)

1 Answer

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by (210 points)

Hi there

It was an DNS error.

But now, when I run the Backup: It doesn't create the file and Powershell keeps running?

Run the script using the following command:
.\BackupApprovalRequests.ps1 -backupFilePath "<backup_file_path>" -defaultServiceAdminName "<admin_username>"
<backup_file_path> - the path to the backup file created on the 1st step.
<admin_username> - the username of the default service administrator. If you are logged on as the default service administrator, you can omit this parameter.



The Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.dll file is usually located in a hidden folder inside your Windows installation directory, and since, as far as we can see, all the rest of Web Interface tyhpes installed on that computer work properly, the file is there and provides the necessary functionality to Adaxes Web Interface.

The issue is obviously in your custom Web Interface type. To help us troubleshoot it, can you do the following:

  1. On the computer where your Web Interface is installed, open the folder that hosts files for all Web Interface types. By default, all Web Interface types are located in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\.
  2. Locate the folder for the Web Interface type that you are experiencing issues with and zip it.
  3. Send the zipped folder to our support email (support[at]adaxes.com).

The issue is that you didn't replace all the old files of the Web Interface site with new ones as recommended in our Installation Notes.

Some files are replaced with the new versions, however certain files in subfolders are still of old Adaxes 2012.1 versions. Please copy all the content (all files, subfolders and files in subfolders) from one of the existing Web Interface types (Administrator, Help Desk or Self-Service) to the folder that hosts your custom Web Interface type, and then reconfigure the Web Interface type.


It looks like I might have missed that one.

Thanks for the help, now its working :geek:



Hi there


When I do a Web interface restore with Softerra.Adaxes.Web.UI.Configuration.exe tool. I get this error:

Error 0x8013150b
Error 0x80131509
Web Interface coonfig files not found. Make sure you are running the application from the Web Interf installation dir.

Help please


Hello Wally,

How do you launch Web interface backup/restore: from command line or by clicking the Restore Configuration button in the Web interface Configuration tool?

To help us troubleshoot the issue, can you send the following to our support e-mail (support@adaxes.com):

  1. Screenshots of all the error messages.

  2. The Web interface backup file that you are trying to restore.

  3. Configuration files of your Web Interface types. All the files have the same name: Web.config. They are located in the folders for your Web Interface types. By default, Adaxes Web Interface sites are installed to the following folders:

    • Administrators:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\Admin\
    • Help Desk:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\HelpDesk\
    • Self-Service:
      C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\SelfService\

Also, make sure that the Web interface Configuration tool that you are launching is located in the folder for Adaxes Web interface (which is C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\ by default) and that the folder contains subfolders for your Web interface types.

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