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We performed the upgrade to Adaxes 2013 this weekend and this morning we noticed that the log retention changed back to 30 days, thus wiping out about 6 months of logging. If I retrieve the log file, is there a way to recover the log data out of it?


by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The functionality to backup/restore the log retention time was introduced only in Adaxes 2013.1. The log retention time wasn't restored when you upgraded because previous versions of Adaxes didn't store this information in the backup file. Starting from Adaxes 2013.1, the log retention time is stored in Adaxes service backup file and restored together with Adaxes service configuration.

As for the log file itself, it is included into the backup file generated by Adaxes. So, if you have a backup file from which you restored Adaxes configuration, you can change the log retention time of your Adaxes service to whatever number of days you need, and then restore your Adaxes configuration from the backup file. This will also restore Adaxes service log.


Will it merge the restored log data with the current data or overwrite it?



It will overwrite it. It is impossible to merge two Adaxes log databases together.

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