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I have looked over the customization instructions for the web interface but I didn't see how to do this...

Is is possible to replace the field names with something else? For example, I have a custom site for title managers to update only four or five fields. I want the field to display "Fax Number" but the AD name is Pager. Additionally, I use custom attribute 1 and 2 for signature elements, and I would prefer the field to display "Twitter Address" instead of Custom Attribute 1.

Is this possible?

by (470 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


Yes, this is possible. Take a look at Customizing Display Names for AD Properties.


Perfect! Thank you.


I have created this file, since it didn't exist. I placed it in the suggested Adaxes 3 folder but I don't see the desired result.

What am I missing?



If you didn't find the file in the folder, then you were definitely looking the wrong place.

You need to edit the file on the computer where your Adaxes service is installed. If you have Adaxes Administration Console or Adaxes Web Interface installed on other computers, then you also need to edit the file on the computers where they are installed. The file is located in a system directory containing application data for all users in \Softerra\Adaxes 3 subfolder. Please remember that the path to the directory depend on the operating system and on the drive, to which Windows is installed.


I had a hunch that was true, so I did a search and couldn't find the file anywhere on the server.

The filename I seek was listed in your earlier post, http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... Names.html

Could the filename be different?



The file name cannot be different.

Please post the version of the operating system on the computer where Adaxes is installed and the path to the folder where you are searching for the file.


It's installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. I have searched the entire volume and haven't found the file.

C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3 is the install path.


You should find it here

C:\ProgramData\Softerra\Adaxes 3

The default location for the all users profile


I got this figured out and found the file. The changes work as expected!


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