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Is it possible to assign a role based on an attribute variable?

Basically, where we have users with secretary's I'd like to create a role that allows them to update their managers details - so rather than assigning a role to specific user/s (we have dozens of secretarys) I'm trying to make it a conditional check e.g. use %assistant% as a trustee definition.


by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2020

Starting with Adaxes 2020.1 there is an option to create rule-based groups. Such groups can be specified as trustees in security roles. For details on managing rule-based groups, have a look at the corresponding section of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_AutomatingDailyTasks_AddUsersToGroupsByDepartment.htm#dynamicgroups.



In Adaxes, it is possible to assign a Security Role to Managers of users and to Owners of AD objects. Assigning a Role to a Secretary or Assistant is currently not supported, but thanks for the good suggestion. The functionality will be available in one of our nearest releases.

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