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I am running into an issue when running reports where the report/export will not return the full set of results. So, for example, if I wan to run a report to show all users of a specific OU and the group of users against which I am running the report is larger than 1000, any result past 1000 is omitted from both the displayed and exported results. How can I resolve this?

by (80 points)


How do you generate the reports? Do you use a PowerShell script for this purpose? If so, can you post the script?


SInce I don't see a report that produces a list of users for a given OU I am running the "All Users" report from the User report list under the Reports tab in the Web UI. I then export all results to CSV and filter out the OUs I don't need. For the specific report I am running, there will be more than 1000 users listed, even after filtering out the OUs I don't need, which is how I know the results are being truncated.



So, you export a report on all users in all your domains to a CSV file, and then filter it out manually somehow?

At what point do you get a truncate list of users - when generating the report in the Web Interface, or after export to a CSV file? Does the list get built correctly in the Web Interface?


Yes, I run a report on all users (for a single domain), export to CSV, and then manipulate the list using Excel autofilter. The truncation occurs when generating the report in Web Interface before exporting to CSV. I don't think the list is building correctly in the Web UI.


OK, we'll ask our team to investigate the issue. We'll update this topic as soon as they come up with something.

By the way, what version of Adaxes are you using?


Thanks! We are currently running Adaxes 2013.1 version 3.5.9329.0 (64 bit).



Thanks, we'll pass the information to our QA team.



Unfortunately, our QA team cannot reproduce the issue. To help them with this, can you post here a screenshot where it would be clearly visible that a report got truncated at 1000 results? Alternatively, you can send the screenshot to our support email (adaxes[at]softerra.com).



We haven't received any screenshots from you yet. Can you resend them?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)


Starting with Adaxes 2018.1 you can create custom reports and modify the built-in ones. Also, there is no limit for the number of displayed items in reports. For details on how to create a report, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateReport.htm.

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